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Filmi si e keni shiquar per her te fundit ....?

2 posters

Shko poshtė

Filmi si e keni shiquar per her te fundit ....? Empty Filmi si e keni shiquar per her te fundit ....?

Mesazh nga LIHI Fri May 25 2007, 01:54

Cili eshtė Filmi si e keni shiqu per her te fundit??

Une per veti ekam shiqu Spider Man 3
100% DeQaNaLi
100% DeQaNaLi

Numri i postimeve : 133
Age : 38
Vendndodhja : Restovicė, Deēanė, Zürich
Registration date : 09/05/2007

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Filmi si e keni shiquar per her te fundit ....? Empty Re: Filmi si e keni shiquar per her te fundit ....?

Mesazh nga beni69 Mon Aug 06 2007, 13:47

Apocalyptos,dhe die hard 4 ,kete apocalyptos nuk ju kisha preferuar se sben hiq tung tung.............
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Numri i postimeve : 8
Age : 55
Vendndodhja : Gjermani
Registration date : 06/08/2007

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